Thursday, September 30, 2010

There is a part of me

There is a part of me
You are not aware
But you still pretend
You know me well

There is a part of me
Hidden from all
Some still swear
That they had touched me fair

There is a part of me
Closed and wrapped
He says he has
Seen me all through

There is a part of me
Lost in my world
She claims
She has found then

There is a part of me
No-one can understand
All verify
Me as open book on shelf

There is a part of me
That I never express
Not knowing you say
I love you still..

Needing You

Can you come back
I am missing you
Can we start again
Now that I am loosing you
Can you smile here
I have lost my smile
Can you climb it for me
I lost all my heights
Can we fight again
I am bored of peace
Can we chat again
This silence is killing me
Can we be together
Now that I lost you
Can we stay together
Because I am still needing you..